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NDIS Support Coordination

The NDIS funds Support Coordination in cases where participants won't have their own support network to assist the management of the varied different Supports they need funding for. Not everyone with an NDIS Plan has the funding for the service provided to them.

Patty Health & Care Services

PATTY HEALTH AND CARE SUPPORT SERVICES have a supportive and professional team of disability support coordinator specialists with various qualifications and skills including welfare work, allied health, psychological state , extensive disability training, working with families, dual diagnosis and autism.
Our Support Coordinators can show you ways to organise your Supports on your own, working with you to develop the knowledge, skills, and therefore the confidence you would like to line and achieve your goals within the future (where suitable), which may be very empowering!
NDIS Support Coordinators connect participants with a Disability plan and connect them with other supports and services within the community. Support Care Coordinators compliment your life and put your NDIS plans into action!

Your support coordinator will assist you to
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